They declare war, make coin money, and set standard weights and measures, the only thing they do not do is conduct reports
D. In both regions mongols helped establish a sucessful road system.
In 1220, the army of Genghis Khan invaded the region of Persia and defeated the empire of Chorasmia. Shortly afterwards, the Sharas of Chorasmia, Ala ad-Din Mohamed II died and his son, named Jalal ad-Din Mingburnu, was unable to regain Persia's dominance.
The Mongols created a system of control and collection of taxes, whose payment was mandatory.
While Altan khan's reign is characterized by declaring Buddhism as the official religion of the Mongol empire, as his predecessors, he allowed freedom of worship.
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The Confederate army lost more generals in combat than the Union did in the entire war.
The most famous general next to General Robert E. Lee, is Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
After the war Germany was divided into four temporary occupation zones, roughly based on the locations of the Allied armies. The German capital, Berlin, was also divided into four sectors: the French sector, British sector, American sector and the Soviet sector.