My father is an important man. He works all week so that I can eat, have clothes to eat, and have a place to sleep. He repairs everything that breaks down around the house. He plays ball and builds things with me. He is my friend.
i agree, but we can’t do anything about it cuz people will troll regardless even if we protest
It happens because the racist Macomb jury members convict Tom of raping Mayella Ewell. Jem is devastated and loses his faith in the community members of Maycomb. Jem was feeling confident about winning the court case and even told Reverend Sykes not to fret because Atticus has already won because of the lack of evidence.
What was not seen by them, but the Reverent had seen, was the fact that the locals were racist and had never decided in favor of a black man over a white one.
The correct answer is:
2.Tom might have won the case had race not been an issue.
You should only convert a noun to a verb when it serves the goals of clarity and precise language. For example, it's much easier to say, "the leader" than say, "the person who led us." But other times, conversion might not work as well. For example, if you're describing an alcoholic, describing the person as a drinker might provide less information than simply referring to him as an alcoholic or saying he likes to drink alcohol. To add on, Many suffixes can be added to verbs to change them to nouns. Examples include adding -er as in runner, adding -tion as in action or adding -ade as in blockade. You might also use -ment as in merriment or -ant as it's used in defendant. Check a dictionary to determine whether the suffix you're adding constitutes a real word. If it doesn't, you'll need to clearly note that you're using a manufactured word or find a way to convey your meaning without converting a verb to a noun.