in the foreground? Who’s in the back ground? What is the landscape? What might be happening outside the frame
2.You are now going to come up with a variety of titles. All the titles will have a different focus, and but use the same picture as source material.
Title One: Come up with a title that you think best describes the picture.
Title Two: Create a title that defines the dominant emotion in the picture.
Title Three: Use a line of poetry, or a song lyric as inspiration for this title.
Title Four: Write a title that rhymes.
Title Five: What is the one word that captures this picture? Come up with a title that is just one word.
Title Six: Create a title that has a symbolic connection to the picture rather than a direct connection.
Title Seven: Create the absolute worst title for this picture.
Title Eight: Think about the person taking the picture. Come up with a title that describes the emotional state of that person.
Title Nine: Think about the person taking the picture. Come up with a title that hints to an upcoming action of that person.
Title Ten: This piece is a comedy. Create a comedic title for this picture.
Title Eleven: This piece is absurd. Create an absurd title for this picture.
Title Twelve: Come up with a tragic title for this picture.
Title Thirteen: Come up with a title that includes the name of the picture location.