Away to California (L.A)
Away to L.A in fact, there are many versions of what the meaning of this is , the drummer of the band claims that it was because Joey got depressed after losing a friend in the mental institution, although in an documentary of the band one close fan says that Johnny stole joey’s girlfriend and that is the reason why the song was written but Joey’s brother Mickey Leigh tells a different story, he says his brother was in a relationship with an Afro-American girl and her parents disapproved the interracial relationship he asked his brother what happened to his girl, and he answered ‘-the kkk took her away from me-‘
To make one piece you need 1 paper core, 2 pieces of thick cardboard, 3 yarns, 3 felts, masking tape and some glue. First measure the circumference of the tube and cut a circle out using thick cardboard. Attach it to the base of the paper tube using tape and also add a piece of felt
C is the correct answer do to the fact that was is subordinater
hmm... either michael adamthwaite or kyle phillips cuz i really like the shows they voice act for, but i wouldnt say no to meeting kevin and dan hageman as well
10 hours ago How to reword "for my art viewing i explored". it’s dumb but i’m stuck and i dont like the way it sounds.