Time-space compression refers to the set of processes that cause the relative distances between places (i.e., as measured in terms of travel time or cost) to contract, effectively making such places grow “closer.” The idea of a “shrinking world” is not new and, in the face of rapid advances in travel, such as the jet ...
Lake Ontario<span> is east of </span>Lake Michigan<span> East. From the top of </span>Lake Michigan<span>, southeast. From the bottom of </span>Lake Michigan<span>, northeast.</span>
the Soviet union was communist
Climate change has multiple effects on people and animals.
Every American is vulnerable to climate change impacts on their health at some point in their lives.
Climate change can have a range of impacts on physical, mental, and community health.
A warmer climate is expected to increase the risk of illnesses and death from extreme heat and poor air quality.
Climate change will likely increase the frequency and strength of extreme events (such as floods, droughts, and storms) that threaten human health and safety.
Climate changes may expose more people to diseases.
Some groups of people (e.g., the very young and the very old) are especially vulnerable to health impacts.