Cultural evolution is an evolutionary theory of social change. It follows from the definition of culture as "information capable of affecting individuals' behavior that they acquire from other members of their species through teaching, imitation and other forms of social transmission
Gangs are a problem plaguing our nation. While trends show a steady decrease from the past, gangs are still prevalent in many communities throughout the U.S. Unfortunately, many gangs lure susceptible youth into their ranks leading them down a path of criminal activity, drugs and ultimately destruction. As a society what can we do to help deter these vulnerable youth from becoming involved in gang activity? To answer this question, and many more, I turned to an expert in gang involvement and detective for an urban police department. Due to the nature of his job, he requested that his identity remain anonymous. Join us as we delve into this two part series Gangs: Protecting Today's Youth.
If you are not careful, you can burn yourself or if anyone else is around, you can burn others. Take Note: BE SAFE AROUND FIRE, FLAMMABLE SUBSTANCES, OR FLAMMABLE ITEMS! KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN!!!