Jeconiah reigned three months and ten days, beginning December 9, 598 BCE. He succeeded Jehoiakim as king of Judah after raiders from surrounding lands invaded Jerusalem and killed his father.
Japan felt disrespected by the treaty of Portsmouth provisions, because "it did not get to keep all of the territory that it was promised"--mostly due to the fact that there was very little oversight of the treaty terms.
From research I did I found they traded grain for cereals, wine, olives, figs, pulses, eels, cheese, honey, meat, tools, perfumes, and fine pottery. Hope this helps!
The Ottomans controlling the seas increased their naval powers, as well as strengthened their trade.
The RCC is so powerful because they have lead the populous since the 1500's on fear. They claimed the ONLY way to get into Heaven was to going to church and you were to pay tithes. The ignorant did not know any better and viewed the Priest as their passport to Heaven. This has been passed down throughout the years and the church was very profitable. Where there is profit, there is power.