The author of “Space Debris…” focuses only on how NASA and other organizations identify and maneuver around debris, while the author of “Space Junk…” provides examples of organizations taking on thoughtful efforts to remove debris from space.
The author of “Space Debris…” illustrates how the inventory of debris by size helps cleanup efforts, while the author of “Space Junk…” only provides examples of debris that have been saved from space.
The author of “Space Debris…” conveys the importance of sharing cleanup responsibilities among professionals in various fields, while the author of “Space Junk…” places the responsibility solely on space archaeologists.
The comma after "loyal" should be removed.
Answer and Explanation:
1. The poem shows that we have no control over how we will be remembered in the future. This is because Ozymandias wanted to be remembered with grandeur and ostentation that he possessed when he was alive, however, his statue makes him remembered as a boastful and unimportant, since both the sculpture and the surrounding environment are in ruins.
2. To preserve the statute, Ozymandias could have commissioned the sculpture with a more durable material and provided something that would protect it from environmental aggressions.
Well, when you're reading something, the words are being read aloud in your head. That voice is the 'voice' that we talk about in school. It's the style and word choice of the person who's writing it, and how that gets translated into our heads as a character speaking. Hope this helps! c:
It is written in type of a letter however it’s not exactly a letter