1) Hesiod (750 BC)
2) Virgil (70 BC - 19 BC)
3) Dante Alighieri (1265 AD - 1321 AD)
4) Christopher Marlowe (1564 AD - 1593 AD)
5) William Shakespeare (1564 AD - 1616 AD)
Although Shakespeare and Marlowe were born in the same year, Marlowe died first and Shakespeare continued his literature production. Some think that Marlowe faked his death and changed his name to Shakespeare.
Pastoral poetry is characterized by idealizing rural life and landscapes, it presents society of shepard untied to concerns of city life.
They show that the speaker feels more important than everybody life situations
The rhyme scheme in the poem "Foreign Lands" is AABB
the main idea is called because anyone or anything may be called but not every thing or one can be out. for instance you cannot say ''the dog out''
but you can say ''the dog called'' even though dogs dont call
It’s so and also it 474747474