either A or C. Its more likely to be A though, if the teacher doesn't want kids to go swimming .
Answer:The next day Papa and Jay Berry watch Grandpa's store. Grandpa and Grandma take Mama and Daisy into town and load them onto the train to Oklahoma City. They are gone for six weeks. During that time Jay Berry realizes how much he misses his mother and sister. He also realizes how much work his mother does around the house. He becomes melancholy as the summer turns into fall, dreaming about his pony. His father becomes melancholy as well, and spends many long evenings rocking on the porch smoking his pipe. In town, Grandpa becomes very grouchy, too. The mail comes once a week and Mama always writes a letter. She tells how Daisy's operation is a success, how Daisy's cast comes off, and how Daisy is learning to walk again. Finally the letter says they are coming home. Papa and...
this will be fun hoped this was able to help hun.
Dear Diary,
Today mother told me that my principle will be coming to visit due to my absences i cannot relash the knots in my stomach beside feeling utterly sick this mad it worse my head spun and i could barely catch my breath, how could i put myself into this position. I had good grades and i excelled academically and i could not stop that now i forced myself up and got dressed and waited as he arrived feeling sicker than usual.
Dear Diary,
The visit was not as bad as I had though it would be he was very understanding and even brought me a gift and said it was made by everyone in my class I felt tears well in my eyes but I would not cry in front of him and show any emotion I tried to hold it together and the more i tried the more my head spun and then the world just went black I appeared in my room my mother hovering over with my principle 3 steps behind he asked me if I was okay but i couldn't speak I was to weak so I just nodded and tried to get up but my body was numb my principal gave his sincere apologies for if he had anything to do with that and my mother simply said it was fine and to give me 2 more weeks of recovery and it began as an amazing private meeting to a horrible disaster
I think the answer is C: It made him tired but strong.