Agriculture availibilty is profound in these areas as fields for agriculture is great for farmers. Spices and vegetables can be grown very well.
The dependence comes from the fact that the highest consumers of oil are not the highest producers.
The Middle East, as a region, has been blessed with reserves of oil. This is the natural resource for which there is the highest demand on the global market, so having it means that it brings a lot of benefits. The most obvious benefit is a lot of profit, but there is also the political influence because of the dependence of other countries on the resource.
The huge amount of profit complemented with having all major economies in the world (except two) highly dependent on oil from the Middle Eastern countries has led to a lot of looking through fingers situations. Almost all of the countries in this region tend to be among the worst when it comes to the violation of human rights, suppression, dictatorship, but all other countries turn their heads and there is no reaction because of how dependent they are on their oil. Also, the leaders of these countries are spreading out their influence in other countries by buying a lot of businesses, buying actions, sports clubs, or even finance political parties in order to make a stronghold, and so far they do it to great effect.
This is a very good question, so I'm going to thank you for asking it in the first place. I would like to first tell you one amazing thing about the Lechuguilla caves were that they weren't formed like other average caves, up to down, when acidic water drips, and forms caves below us. The story of Lechuguilla was that oil from reservoirs not very far away under ground, and a chemical compound by the name of Hydrogen Sulfide gas piled up in there, and the culmination of the molecules underground, it created, well, a very, very strong acid. This is known as sulfuric acid. What the sulfuric acid did was pound through layers of the limestone existing underground. And what this did was form the Lechuguilla caves. And like at the beginning, the unique thing about the Lechuguilla was that this process made it form bottom to up, instead of top to bottom.
The answer is Option C: Index fossils.
Index fossils are used to identify geologic periods or faunal stages in rock layers. These fossils must have a wide geographic distribution and manifest obvious evolutionary trends to help geologists and others who need this geological data to better understand the time scale and to pinpoint a time period. For example, ammonites were common during the Mesozoic Era, but they were extinct by the Cretaceous period. Geologists would use ammonites to help determine this time frame if present.
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