Technically speaking, it would be "family" that represents a social group that exists in all known cultures, since families are generally crucial for the survival of the individual.
The stamp act is an act of parliament in 1765 that exacted revenue from the american colonists by imposing a stamp duty on newspapers and other documents and the Townsend acts or Townshend duties is a series of british acts of parliament passed in 1768-67
On January 6, 1941 President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered his eighth State of the Union address, now known as the Four Freedoms speech. The speech was intended to rally the American people against the Axis threat and to shift favor in support of assisting British and Allied troops. Roosevelt's words came at a time of extreme American isolationism; since World War I, many Americans sought to distance themselves from foreign entanglements, including foreign wars. Policies to curb immigration quotas and increase tariffs on imported goods were implemented, and a series of Neutrality Acts passed in the 1930s limited American arms and munitions assistance abroad.
In his address, Roosevelt called for the immediate increase in American arms production, and asked Americans to support his "Lend-Lease" program, which gave Allies cash-free access to US munitions. Most importantly, Roosevelt announced his vision for the world, "a world attainable in our own time and generation," and founded upon four essential human freedoms: freedom of speech and expression, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear.
These freedoms, Roosevelt declared, must triumph everywhere in the world, and act as a basis of a new moral order. "Freedom," Roosevelt declared, "means the supremacy of human rights everywhere."
Some of the arguments used to support US expansion and manifest destiny were: European examples, new markets and access to vast natural resources. Because of the US massive industrial expansion and production, US industries needed new markets to sell their goods to and they need access to more natural resources to ensure the continued production. The US expanded its inluences into Alaska, the Pacific (Hawaii, Samoa, Guam, and the Philippines), Latin America and Asia (China and Japan)