In Act I, Scene 2 of The Diary of Anne Frank, the Franks and Van Daans move into a hidden annex of an office building. After rea
ding this scene, take a few minutes to consider what things you would take if you were forced to go into hiding. Write in your journal about what you would pack and why. Keep in mind that you would only be able to take what you could carry on your body or in a very small sack. Your response should be no less than 150 words in length.
If I were forced to go into hiding I would wear many layers of cloths like five to six shirts and two to three leggings, a jacket with a lot of pockets and more under clothes. I would do this so I can wear fresh clothes as long as possible and the pockets on the jacket could help me carry more stuff like a phone or charger so I could contact friends and family and go live with them. I would also get my shoes because my slippers would break easily. In my sack I would carry as much as food I can so I would not starve to death. I would bring medicine so if my family got sick or injured they could heal faster and my important documents like ID and passport because when the Holocaust were to end I would flee to another country and I would really need them.
This is 150 words and I hope you have a wonderful day!!!
I wish I could answer you here, but without punctuation, this question is very hard to understand, and almost impossible to answer. If we had the punctuation, we might be able to help.