Answer:1. Sensacionalista. 2.tira cómica. 3.emisora. 4.lectores. 5.anuncios. 6.temporada. 7. redactor
Explanation:1. They talk about press that is not serious, amog the options the most appropriate is sensacionalist. 2. Talking about a periodic publication on a newspaper, it makes sense for it to be a comic. 3. programs of classical music are in radio stations. 4. Magazines are bought by readers. 5. pop stars get a lot of money from advertisement. 6. soup operas are produced season by season, as series. 7. Magazines are in need of writers not speakers, at least in the paper version.
I think the correct answer is Haz
1. el mundo está preocupado por los problemas sociales.
2. Los padres todavía tienen algunas herramientas para enseñar buenos valores.
3. En casa, debemos enseñar modales y cómo ser una persona amable y compasiva.
4. Estos remedios pueden crear conciencia y la capacidad de respetar a los demás.
5. La gente ayudará a la Cruz Roja.
these are my answers they may or may not be wrong just tying to help some pe
ople get their online spanish class done faster.
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