It is called an autotroph.
My Answer: Mutations produces random changes in an organisms genetic code. Some examples of the changes are: None of the mutations may have a positive, negative nor neutral effect on the organism. A different organism may be produced. Mutations help organisms better, so that they're able to survive, if mutations do that it is more likely that the organism will survive and pass the mutated gene onto the next generation.
Hope I helped! :D
Temperatures in a desert climate range from 86 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit, while summers are wet and winters are dry. When the rains fall, herds of prey animals abound as they feed on the lush grasslands and water at the many waterholes and rivers. The average rainfall in the desert is 10 inches per year. Sahara desert vegetation includes African Welwitchsia, date palm, thyme, magaria, olive trees, orange trees, and fig trees. Apart from these, more than half of the Sahara desert is extremely barren with no vegetation found. However, there are still some areas in the Sahara desert that are lush, containing abundant trees and plants. The most common landscape features found in deserts are sand dunes, yardangs, desert pavements, debris, playas, oases, mesas, alluvial fans, arroyos and buttes. These landforms vary from desert to desert. In areas dominated by the tundra climate type, winters are long and cold, especially in the region north of the Artic Circle where, for at least one day in the year, the Sun does not rise. Winter precipitation generally consists of dry snow, with seasonal totals less than in the summer when cyclonic storms that develop along the boundary between the open ocean and sea ice yield rainfall. The average snowfall in the tundra is 10-40 inches per year. Tundra vegetation is composed of dwarf shrubs, sedges and grasses, mosses, and lichens. Scattered trees grow in some tundra regions. The ecotone between the tundra and the forest is known as the tree line or timberline. The arctic tundras located between the north pole and the coniferous forests or taigaregion. It is characterized by extremely cold temperatures and land that remains frozen year-round. Arctic tundra occurs in frigid mountaintop regions at very high elevations.
<u>The correct statement to be inferred from the information would be that all eukaryotic cells need to produce energy</u>.
<em>The mitochondrion is an organelle that is referred to as the powerhouse of the cell. It is the site of oxidative phosphorylation where the energy for the cell's metabolic processes is generated. Hence, if all eukaryotic cells have mitochondrion, it means that they all need to produce energy for their metabolic activities.</em>
The correct option is B.
What word is used to describe the amount of energy released by an earthquake?
C- Magnitude