b) Magma B
The magma that forms a basalt plateau or a shield volcano is a mafic (basaltic) magma. This magma is low in viscosity, making it very liquid, so when there's an eruption there's lava flows coming down the slopes like rivers, moving relatively fast. This type of magma has low content of silica, which is the reason why it is low in viscosity. The low viscosity also contributes to very small amount of gases in the magma, as the gases can escape from it very easily so they do not come in a situation to be trapped. The low amount of gases means that the volcanoes with this type of magma have calm eruptions, and explosive eruptions are either nonexistent, or extremely rare.
b.) Pampas barbecue that is a open piece of land with fertile soil as i remember it
Coral reefs are a very important component of the ocean’s ecosystem because they support sea life, such as crabs and sea turtles. in fact, over four thousand species depend on the survival of the reefs, which are being destroyed by bleaching. more must be done immediately to save the reefs.
development along the coastal regions has significant negative effects on coral reefs. the reefs are an essential part of the ocean’s ecosystem, and when people build structures on top of them, they are easily damaged because they are so fragile.