6. Oí, oyó
7. Creía
8. Contribuyeron
9. Leyeron
10. Cayeron
1. mayas
2. el quetzal
3. ciudad de Guatemala
4. Antigua Guatemala
5. El quetzal
6. los mayas
7. Antigua Guatemala
8. un calendario
9. el huipil
10. el pueblo de origen
Here you must select the correct option for the blank.
1. 40 percent of Guatemala's population speaks one of the languages __. European Mayan Aztec Incas
2. The national currency of Guatemala is __. the quetzal the new sun the guatemalan peso the bolivar
3. The capital of Guatemala is __. Antigua Guatemala Quetzaltenango Escuintla Guatemala City
4. For many people, the Holy Week celebration in __ is the most important in the hemisphere. Guatemala City Quetzaltenango Antigua Guatemala Lake Petén Itzá
5. __ symbolized freedom for the ancient Maya because they believed that they could not live in captivity. The quetzal The Aztec culture The huipil The Sierra de las Minas
6. From 1500 B.C. up to 900 A.D. __ inhabited much of what is now Guatemala. the Aztecs the Incas the Taínos the Maya
7. An earthquake destroyed the city of __ in 1773. Guatemala Mazatenango Antigua Guatemala Escuintla
8. The Maya invented __ complex and precise. an aqueduct a calendar an huipil an archeological site
9. The traditional clothing of Guatemalans is __. the huipil the quetzal the tortilla the national symbol
10. Sometimes, the design and colors of a huipil indicate __ of the person wearing it. language religion people of origin profession
Question 1: Uds. (empezar)
Answer 1: Ustedes empiezan.
Question 2: Ud. (mirar)
Answer 2: Usted mira.
Question 3: Ud. (escribir)
Answer 3: Usted escribe.
Question 4: Ud. (comer)
Answer 4: Usted come.
Question 5: Ud. (beber)
Answer 5: Usted bebe.
Question 6: Ud. (respirar)
Answer 6: Usted respira.
Question 7: Usted (estudiar)
Answer 7: Usted estudia.
Question 8: Usted (escuchar)
Answer 8: Usted escucha.
Question 9: Ustedes (beber)
Answer 9: Ustedes beben.
Question 10: Usted (ver)
Answer 10: Usted ve.
Question 11: Uds. (usar)
Answer 11: Ustedes usan.
Question 11: Uds. (estudiar)
Answer 12: Ustedes estudian.
Question 13: Uds. (escribir)
Answer 13: Ustedes escriben.
Question 14: Uds. (comer)
Answer 14: Ustedes comen.
Question 15: Uds. (bailar)
Answer 15: Ustedes bailan.
You are correct Jason will like to spend time with rick .