We don't have the excerpt, so we cannot really answer your question.
I can help you a bit, however, so if you've read the story, you will know how to answer it yourself.
A flat character is the one who doesn't change at all over the course of a novel, whereas a round character develops and changes his or her characteristics.
A protagonist is the hero of a novel, whereas an antagonist is his "enemy."
This is a type of sentence wherein its execution is postponed until a later specified time. Determinate or Fixed Sentence: This is a general sentence for a fixed amount of time, not generally subject to modification or adjustment; Final Sentence: This is final sentence rendered that puts a complete closing to the criminal ...
<span>Limited omniscient is the correct answer. With limited omniscient, the narrator knows everything - about one character. Their knowledge is limited. Omniscient narrators know everything about all characters. First person, rather than seeming like a close friend or confidant, makes it seem like we are in the narrator’s head.</span>
F. a hardship is a challenge/a situation someone has to go through. all things listed can be considered a hardship. The pioneer women faces these struggles.