Male citizens trained as scribes.
Without scribes, letters would not have been written or read, royal monuments would not have been carved with cuneiform, and stories would have been told and then forgotten.
His name was " Herodotus "
Hello there!
The Republican Cursus Honorum was the order of magistracies that were to be climbed step by step in Republican Rome to reach the highest possible rank.
The order was the following:
1) Quaestores: Were in charge of overseeing public funds.
2) Aediles: Were the "Mayors" of Rome, in charge of urban planning, festivities, wheat distribution...
3) Praetores: Were in charge of presiding over the Courts of Rome.
4) Consuls: Were the highest magistrates in Rome. Two consuls were elected each year, and they were the Roman "Chiefs of State".
2(3x<span> - 7) + 4 (3 </span>x<span> + 2) = 6 (5 </span>x<span> + 9 ) + 3 +-34