If you are in Uranus with an titled angle of 97.77°, living in the latitude 45° would mean experiencing a winter night at almost one third of a Uranian year. A year in Uranus is equivalent to 84 earth years, meaning it would be winter for 28 earth year at latitude 45°
Fossil records and carbon contents.
- The type of the sedimentary that are present in the Himalayas were the marble, dolomite and silts stone and shale and limestone as per the geologic records the carbon dating of the rocks reveals there ages as per the data collected from the accumulation of the sediments. The upliftment of seas and also the fossil life of the plants and animals that were found during that period.
The hawaiian islands are north of the equator
Physical regions are defined by landform (continents and mountain ranges), climate, soil, and natural vegetation.
good luck
B. During warmer climates, glaciers melt and sea level rises.