Beowulf tells Hrothgar that he will fight Grendel with his bare hands, as Grendel doesn't fight with weapons (it seems he can't even be killed with a blade). The only help Beowulf will get is the help of his warriors. Beowulf is aware that the lives of all his warriors are at stake, and anticipates that Grendel will eat them if they fail, but he is still eager to do this. This reveals that the leader is always the first one to fight, in front of his followers. But although he vouches for their lives, they must follow him to death, if need be.
Just like Beowulf is a leader to his warriors, Hrothgar, as a king, is the spiritual leader of the realm. Beowulf yields to him and wants to fight and even die for him, as Hrothgar represents the God's will on Earth. When the realm is physically endangered by a murderous, devilish villain, it means that the God's order on Earth is symbolically endangered, and it takes a hero to restore it.
The purpose of the bobbin is to hold the thread that is held below the needle. The thread from the bobbin goes up through the plate and connects with the top thread to create a sturdy stitch when the machine is in use.
Essay title:
<em><u>What has really changed with the diseases?</u></em>
Some of the diseases that existed in the past still exist today, we can mention some examples such as:
tuberculosis, yellow fever and leprosy.
In the past, these diseases were difficult to control and as there was little scientific knowledge about the mechanism of action and spread of the disease, this caused these diseases to spread more rapidly. Today, thanks to advances in science, the mechanism of disease spread is already known, and it is also possible to take preventive measures more quickly to prevent their spread.
To make an analysis we can compare the yellow fever disease and the coronavirus, both diseases have some similarities, for example they were imported, the yellow fever from Africa and the Coronavirus from Asia, both diseases had a rapid spread, but as differences we can say that today we have a greater professional and scientific knowledge that allowed us to quickly create vaccines to prevent coronavirus, while with yellow fever the world had to wait until 1937 so that a vaccine against the yellow fever virus could be created.
Ok understoood
Based on the story mentioned I have my personal thoughts about daugthers´subject. We can have many different from the other.... so I perfectly realized what is going on with "Two Kinds". I have two daughters that are different one another like the water is different from the oil....
So, you don´t have to worry about them BUT LOVE THEM ALWAYS.
You probably answered this already by yourself but they can do things like getting their fans to volunteer and encourage people to do good things