Etymology of
from Greek sōma ‘body’.
Cell's body, this part of the cell receives information, and it contains the cell's nucleus.
Etymology of dendrite
from French, from Greek dendritēs ‘treelike’, from dendron ‘tree’.
thin filaments carry information from other neurons to the soma, they act as input part of the cells
Etymology of Axon
(denoting the body axis): from Greek axōn ‘axis’.
long projection carries information from the soma and sends it off to other cells. This is the “output” part of the cell.
The tough, thin outer membrane covering the bones is called the periosteum.
By killing the dividing cancer cells but takes the normal cells too
Sleepytime medican and her mother
How to perform perineal care
Gather supplies.
Provide privacy for the patient.
Wash hands and put on gloves.
With the patient on their back, instruct them to open their legs.
Cleanse the perineum, using front to back motions. ...
Never wash back to front; this causes contamination and can cause infections