The basic units are amino acids
The four effects of Global Warming are mentioned above. But there are also many effects of Global Warming.
There are five major causes of extinction: habitat loss, an introduced species, pollution, population growth, and overconsumption.
The most likely answer choice should and would be B, given that rabbits are herbivores (meaning that they only eat vegetation and plants, including grass). Buffalo's food source(s) and diet consists of grass as well. If enough rabbits are introduced into a grassland area, they will furthermore consume more grass, in turn limiting the food source of the buffalo.
''Attacking'' prey doesn't necessarily make sense, given that buffalos do not 'prey' on any animal and rabbits themselves are prey.
A to a lesser extent can make sense, although I doubtable. B's most likely the answer.
presence of flagella
shows absence of cell wall, though chloroplast may be present
slime mold belongs in this category
absence of cell wall, as well as chloroplast
feeds on decaying matter enclosed by a membrane called a pellicle.