Compare the interview on the front lines with thurgood marshall with the informational text equal justice under law what informa
tion can you find in the interview that you cannot find in the informational piece A- the interview provides information about becoming an attorney while the informational text does not
B- the interview provides information extensive biographical information about marshall while the informational text does not
C- the interview contains in-depth information on each of marshalls decisions while the informational text does not
D- the interview provides first hand insight into marshals strengths and motivations while the information does not
The correct option is D (The interview provides first hand insight into marshals strengths and motivations while the information does not
The instructive content is the reason for the contentions in the meeting. "Equal with Justice Under Law" applies to everybody paying little respect to race and shading. In the meeting, the court case that was referred to was an unmistakable grandstand of correspondence and equity.
The educational content gives certainties and insights concerning Thur-good Marshall, while the meeting presents bits of knowledge into Marshall's contemplation's and inspirations.