either C or D I'm more twords D
Mid-latitude steppe and desert climate, major climate type of the Köppen classification characterized by extremely variable temperature conditions, with annual means decreasing and annual ranges increasing poleward, and relatively little precipitation.
The blue area
<span>What happened during the Industrial Revolution?The introduction of new technology in manufacture (initially thetextile industries) hugely raised productivity per worker andgenerated ever-increasing returns for investment in ongoing capitalinvestment. Advances in transport facilitated distribution of bothmanufactured goods and foodstuffs for growing urban populations.Living standards improved as average per capita income tripled inthe more developed regions in the century to 1914 and improvednutrition, health and medicine doubled world population. Gains inliteracy and education combined with technological innovation tocreate the first mass media.</span>
Both were a series of articles written under fake names to protect the writers. The viewpoint of the group, such as the federalists, who wanted a strong national government, and the antifederalists who were afraid of an imbalance of power, were presented and argued back and forth. People reading these publications had access to information that they would not have had otherwise, and therefore were influenced by the opinions of these two groups.
All of these populatins became enslaved by the spanish