None would be possible without the discovery of x-rays.
The biggest difference between MRI and CT scans is that MRIs use radio waves while CT scans use X-rays, CT scans use X-rays while MRI scans use strong magnets and radio waves. * You're welcome ^^*.
D) Allied forces captured Osama bin Laden and several al-Qaeda leaders
The invasion of Afghanistan didn't really brought any change for the ordinary people of the country as the country was and still is in big mess and is extremely dangerous. The US and its allies though managed to get hold of most of the country, with only small parts remaining under extremist control, and they managed to get the men they wanted, Osama bin Laden and his closest collaborates. By capturing and murdering them, the US and its allies practically eliminated the leadership of al-Qaeda which resulted in rapid and big decline of this terrorist organization.
the Abbasids
In 750, the Abbasids, a rival clan to the Umayyads, rose to power and overthrew the Umayyad Caliphate. They took control and formed the Abbasid Caliphate which would rule much of the Islamic world for the next several hundred years.
The Northwest Ordinance, was enacted when the Northwest Territory was created to make it a legal territory. It also established the ability of the U.S government to expand westward.
During the 1950's many parents did not like Rock and Roll because they thought that it caused juvenile delinquency. At the time the music contained sexual ...