The correct answer is C.) increased tension between the British and the colonies
First, in 1764, Grenville’s government passed the Sugar Act, which placed a tax on sugar imported from the West Indies. The same year, Parliament also passed the Currency Act, which removed devalued paper currencies, many from the French and Indian War period, from circulation. In 1765, Parliament passed the Quartering Act, which required residents of some colonies to feed and house British soldiers serving in America.
A vassal needed economic resources to equip the cavalry he was bound to contribute to his lord to fight his frequent wars. Such resources, in the absence of a money economy, came only from land and its associated assets, which included peasants as well as wood and water.
Russian version:
Вассалу нужны были экономические ресурсы, чтобы вооружить кавалерию, которую он должен был предоставить своему господину для ведения частых войн. Такие ресурсы, в отсутствие денежной экономики, поступали только из земли и связанных с ней активов, которые включали крестьян, а также древесину и воду.
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The run-up to the 1968 election was transformed in 1967 when Minnesota’s Democratic senator, Eugene J. McCarthy, challenged Democratic Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson on his Vietnam War policies. Johnson had succeeded to the presidency in 1963, following the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and had been overwhelmingly reelected in 1964. Early in his term he was immensely popular, but U.S. involvement in Vietnam, which had escalated invisibly during the presidential administrations of both Dwight D. Eisenhower and Kennedy, became highly visible with rapidly increasing U.S. death tolls, and, as the war’s unpopularity mounted, so did Johnson’s.
The Paleolithic people were skillful hunters and developed sharp weapons made of stone for hunting purpose. They had a knowledge of art and infrastructure which was evident from the discovery of metal tools, jewellery like bracelets made of shells, bones and ivory. They even did paintings on the rocks and body art.
Texas is a large state with a wealth of energy resources and leads the nation in energy production. The state provides more than one-fifth of U.S. domestically produced energy.