b. division between those who own and operate the means of production and those who sell their labor in capitalist societies.
Karl Marx advocates in his book "Das Kapital" (The Capital) that the labors sell the only thing they have, in this case, their strength. This happened, according to Marx, that during the capitalist development, some individuals gain economic power and then began to possess the production means, obligating the ones who didn't have the same to sell the strength in exchange for a sum of money.
the Standard Oil Company
The McClure's magazine journalist was an investigative reporting pioneer; Tarbell exposed unfair practices of the Standard Oil Company, leading to a U.S. Supreme Court decision to break its monopoly.
Basically the pawnbrokers offered secured loans to individuals against personal property.
Pawnbrokers are people being an individual or a business or an organisation who offers money as loans to people which is secured with an item or personal property is used as a collateral. whenever you pawn a property or an item it means that you are you are using it as a collatel. And the pawnbroker will agree to give you cash and hold your item until the time you will pay back as per the agreement.