That woman's days were spent
In ignorant good-will,
Her nights in argument
Until her voice grew shrill.
What voice more sweet than hers
When, young and beautiful,
She rode to harriers?
This man had kept a school
And rode our wingèd horse;
This other his helper and friend
Was coming into his force;
He might have won fame in the end,
So sensitive his nature seemed,
So daring and sweet his thought.
This other man I had dreamed
A drunken, vainglorious lout.
He had done most bitter wrong
To some who are near my heart,
Yet I number him in the song;
He, too, has resigned his part
In the casual comedy;
He, too, has been changed in his turn,
Transformed utterly:
A terrible beauty is born.
The answer would be That woman's days were spent
In ignorant good-will,
History. "Marco Polo was the first to introduce the tasty..."
I always like to think of figurative meaning as deeper meaning: what is the narrator really trying to get the reader to understand? Once you have your answer, think about the key words in that excerpt that helped you uncover the figurative meaning-- these will always be figurative devices, so you're already half way through this question. (pro tip: stick to the text to uncover it-- don't stray to far from the information you are being provided)
Lastly, you're being asked to identify literary devices here, do you notice any symbols? Something that usually stands for something else that might relate to that deeper/figurative meaning? Also, think about how the way in which the author phrased these symbols impacted the overall deeper meaning.
Answer: twinklings and twinges . casual affair. old yellow pair.