It supervised the state's finances, navy, cavalry, sacred matters, building and shipping matters and care for invalids and orphans. Its own members staffed many boards that oversaw the finer points of these many administrative duties. Cleisthenes. took power in 508 BCE. destroyed the remaining power of the aristocratic families by replacing the old noble tribes with 10 new ones and making sure that each new tribe was made up of a mix of classes. also gave the Assembly the right to make and enforce laws. There could be no appeal from its decisions. created the Council of 500. Those in the Council were selected by lottery from the ten tribes. They advised the assembly and supervised the actions of the archons. set the minimum age to be an archon at 30. created the Board of 10 Generals. The people elected generals-one from each tribe. I believe that citizens have a responsibility to vote on all matters. Votes were held on average every ten days. However, ten percent of the citizens had to show up in order for a vote to take place. That meant that 5,000 people had to show up.
i only know this because i lust did an assignment for this
hope this helps
I don't know what you're referring to, and don't think it was much different than defending against a number of well-armed, trained, and disciplined troops. If anything, the German Army in WWII was a really tough bunch.
<span>Two things may show some differences, however, at least in the war in the Pacific. Japanese were far more willing to fight to the last man, rather than surrender, whereas most German units would stick the white flag up when it was clear that they had lost the engagement, and had no retreat. In "island hopping", the US also took on extremely fortified Japanese positions that were not destroyed with even massive bombing and naval fire</span>
I believe throught economic distribution reforms, and social services. The National Health Service is a great example of this. It was and is a service that brings healthcare to all the citizens of the UK whether poor or rich. By taking on these moderate socialist instutions into the government, the Uk lowered the drive for young worker to push for extreme marxism.
Pedro Álvares Cabral
O Brasil foi oficialmente "descoberto" em 1500, quando uma frota comandada pelo diplomata português Pedro Álvares Cabral, a caminho da Índia, desembarcou em Porto Seguro, entre Salvador e Rio de Janeiro. (Há, no entanto, fortes evidências de que outros aventureiros portugueses o precederam.
I hope this helps