But just in case, here's what I can say. Third person omniscient is when the writer is like God, revealing the thoughts and emotions of EVERY single character. Third person's objective, or limited, is when only ONE character's thoughts and feelings are revealed in the.
C) long benches with a back
(in a church) one of a number of fixed, benchlike seats with backs, accessible by aisles, for the use of the congregation.
an enclosed seat in a church, or an enclosure with seats, usually reserved for a family or other group of worshipers.
those occupying pews; congregation.
Writing about something with the purpose of proving or disproving, clarifying, reviewing, or judging its merits is writing intended to "inform" since it seeks the truth. Of course "inform" and "persuade" go hand-in-hand quite frequently.
Racial profiling and feeling like one race is better than the other was one of the biggest causes of inequality.