In the Europe of 1800's, the beliefs displayed in this question could be labeled as follows:
Conservative: The government should be led by a monarch with legitimacy from God; the government should mantain stability through a social class system. The explanation is that, those who call themselfs conservatives do so because they are in favor to keep things the way they are, manteining the status quo; the type of government that ruled Europe in 1800 was the monarchy, and they believed that stability could be reached by a social class system, the royal family and the plebeians.
Liberal: People should be able to work their way up the social ladder; the government should emphasize citizens' rights as listed in a constitution. Liberals, in general, believe and praise freedom for all people, and often the government's intervention in society is questioned; some say that the government's role should be smaller, intervening only in crucial questions, like the assurance of rights, while others believe that the government should have a central power figure.
Answer:According to over 20 years of research by Ralph Thaxton, professor of politics at Brandeis University, villagers turned against the CPC during and after the Great Leap, seeing it as autocratic, brutal, corrupt, and mean-spirited.[4] The CPC's policies, which included plunder, forced labor, and starvation, according to Thaxton, led villagers "to think about their relationship with the Communist Party in ways that do not bode well for the continuity of socialist rule
Explanation:d pretty much