The Chinese agreed to sign the Treaty of Nanjing which signified the end of the First Opium War in 1842 because of the potential for an even greater defeat through battle. The major goal of the treaty was to open up trade in China to the British which the British gained from the weakened Chinese Government.
After years of failed efforts and through some aggressive procedural wrangling, Congress passed the Twenty-Fourth Amendment in 1962, abolishing poll taxes in federal elections.
2. sending believers to prison
3. burning down church buildings
Paul has been given official authority to lead the persecution. In addition to triggering persecution in Jerusalem, he also requested letters from the high priest to the synagogues in Damascus. His goal was to take anyone who was a follower of Christ to Jerusalem.
Definition: a real or imagined wrong or other cause for complaint or protest, especially unfair treatment.
Examples: Injustice, wrong, bullying, injury, ill, offence
Non-Examples: commendation
Illustration ideas: "failure to redress genuine grievances" "he was nursing a grievance" "three pilots have filed grievances against the company"
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Absolute Location, any specific address is an absolute location. This is the address of the United State’s White House.