In Beowulf, it was often repeated that young men should make a name for themselves. As compared to the era of the Anglo-Saxon, they do not believe in an afterlife. They thought that eternity is referred to the honor and great deeds that they have done in their time on earth. It was often acclaimed not just in Beowulf but in other literary pieces like the Trojan War and the Odyssey.
Answer: A, women were just as strong as men, i believe
Sapa Inca - The emperor or king of the Inca Empire was called the Sapa Inca, which means "sole ruler". He was the most powerful person in the land and everyone else reported to the Sapa Inca. His principal wife, the queen, was called the coya. Below the Sapa Inca were several officers who helped to rule the empire.
The Roman Catholic faith believed in marriage for life