You could say "el dorado," which could be translated as "the golden." Technically, "dorado" refers to the color of gold, so it could also mean "the gilded" or "the gold-colored," but I think it's the phrase you're looking for.
座席を変更する that should be it
If they had a baby bump and had cramps for a long time and baby bump is gone
A large number of industries have been established in the post-independence India in private, public and joint sectors. There are a lot of industrial resources and raw materials available in India. Bhilai, Bokaro, Rourkela, Ranchi, Jamshedpur, Renukoot, etc., emerged as major centres during the first one and a half decades of independence.
However, later on, industrialisation at medium and small scale was taken up in all the states. The main sectors of industrialisation today are electronics, transport and telecommunication. Compared to advanced countries, there is very little industrialisation in India. About 10 per cent of the total workers are employed in the organised industrial sector. Both private and public sectors have grown side by side since independence.