<em>The main purpose of the </em><em>expert of the document</em><em> from the Declaration of Independence is to </em><em>announce the decision of the colonies</em><em> to sever their ties to England.</em>
As writer can convey any message they want the reader to receive, it is their unique talent. So in the Declaration of Independence the writer has written with the main purpose of announcing the decisions of the colonies.
The writer says that it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another.
several narrators being used.
Both Grand son and Grand Mother narrate the story.
Answer:A chronological pattern of organization
Explanation:A chronological pattern of organization is the one which arranges Information in a way that it goes according to what occurs at the beginning in terms of time or years or beginning from what happened recently and going backward. She will need to arrange her speech into segments of time this works best in historic situation.
So her first paragraph will start with what happened in her childhood moving upward to the recent years.
The correct pronoun for this sentence would be to use he or she instead of him and her. To state things clearer, let's try to take out the word "either" and use he and she in the sentence. So doing that, we will have "he could help you" that makes more sense that "him could help you". Do the same for she and her.
Plagiarism is the act of copying a writer’s words verbatim and claiming them as one’s own.
I had a sense of deja vu when I saw the girl who looked just like her mother used to.
I trust you completely. You have complete carte blanche to arrange the party.