The statistics about the human population fall into the category of the demography. The demography is part of the geographic sciences, more specifically of the socio-economic geography spectrum. The focus of the demography is the human population and its characteristics. In order to be able to have a proper data base, the demography is using statistics. Some of the things that this field is studying is ethic groups, racial groups, religious groups, birth rates and death rates, level of education, age structure, migratory patterns and many more.
Income is money you earn, usually from working at a job.
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The Northeast is considered our nation's birthplace also because the first factories of mass production were started here. The Hershey Chocolate Factory in Hershey, Pennsylvania was one of the first. Mass production is a way of making large amounts of the same product.
Brazil to Mexico: Latin America's image problem. Infiltration of organized crime in Mexico's local police forces and controversies surrounding the highest levels of government have tarnished the country's image as a model reformer. Argentina is still reeling after its recent default.