The present progressive, also called the present continuous, is formed with the verb BE conjugated in the simple present followed by a present participle. This is the formula: Subject + BE + (verb+ing). Before you continue, review these lessons: Verb BE | Present participle.
This means Where is the keyboard?
As for that, probably on the desk (en el escritorio) or near the computer (frente a la computadora)
Hey there!
Person 1) María es la abuela de Rodrigo.
Person 2) Tito es el primo de Rodrigo.
Person 3) Camila es la tía de Rodrigo.
Person 4) Cristóbal es el abuelo de Rodrigo.
Person 5) Celia es la madre de Rodrigo.
Person 6) Pablo es el tío de Rodrigo.
Person 7) Ana es la hermana de Rodrigo.
Hope this helps!