Conflict between other countries that are Russian allies always causes concern for war-weary americans because if the conflict continues, our government will be obligated to get involved.
Mafia organizations are more of a threat than terrorist groups because they modify democracies from within by introducing their illicit earnings into the legal economy. Their businesses defeat the competition because, by counting on these illegal parallel markets, they can lower their prices. Mafia assets also finance the banking, construction, and transportation sectors of the economy.
The Union Executive comprises of 1. President 2. Prime Minister 3. Council of Ministers The president is the nominal executive whereas the Prime Minister is the real executive. Let us know about the qualifications, functions and powers of the members
The Dust Bowl was a coincidence of drought, severe wind erosion, and economic depression that occurred on the Southern and Central Great Plains during the 1930s. The drought – the longest and deepest in over a century of systematic meteorological observation – began in 1933 and continued through 1940.