It is asking that you read chapters 8 and 9 in Lord of the flies, and compare what you read in there to what is happening in today's world during the CO VID-19 pandemic.
As such, the mafia is a counterculture.
Take into consideration the counterculture of the 60s - the hippie culture who opposed wars and fought the government in a peaceful way. They wanted to change the society for the better by opposing those in power. Mafia, on the other hand, opposes the entire society, but is still an example of counterculture.
schools can diminish creativity by the teaching style they use. Most of the subjects in school like math, science, and history (as I mentioned above) require structured right or wrong answers. While classes like art are available at schools they are usually taught as an elective and not a core subject.
You should be safe in the kitchen and not risk getting a disease. Always make sure you're neing safe when it comes to food.