Hi, friend!
The Declaration of Independence states “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” This was a revolutionary change from the system of the British monarchy, which was based on the divine right of kings. For which of the ideals of democracy does this quote provide a foundation?
→A. Popular Sovereignty Is the Correct Answer ←
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Well, the moment the US intervened with the affairs of the World was the moment that the US could not go back to an isolationist policy. The US simply cannot afford to stop playing a role in world affairs, due to the fact that the US is a capitalist society and that the US has a lot of exports/imports. Unless the US can reach a level of capacity where it is self sufficient, which is currently impossible to do, the US must participate in the affairs of the World in order to survive.
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Primary sources are a example of first hand reports or eyewitness account
Roosevelt's foreign and domestic policy were not necessarily at odds with each other.
The main reason why Roosevelt supported imperialism was because this was good for the economy. It allowed the United States to have access to the natural resources of many places all over the world. He also believed that imperialism brought some benefits to the conquered nations.
On the other hand, Roosevelt did not think that monopolies brought any benefit to the economy. Instead, the practice of monopolies harmed the economy by making it impossible for businesses to compete.
Therefore, Roosevelt was generally interested in improving and protecting the economy of the United States. This was accomplished both through the promotion of imperialism and the regulation of monopolies.