Owning: pro:you can have pets and do whatever you want to the house without having to ask a landlord con: it is really hard to get rid of if you want to move
renting: pro: if you decide that you want to leave you can and it will be easy con: you have a landlord and sometimes they wont let you have pets, paint the walls, and overall will end up paying more than with buying
Early Italian Baroque came from, and is practically a mixture of the Renaissance and Classical art characteristics. Thus, the formula used to create the early Italian Baroque art style is built upon the techniques, aesthetics and mathematics of the Renaissance and Classical art, from which Baroque art adapted.Baroque artists looked to the Classical, statuesque forms of the Greeks and Romans with their Heroic gestures and bold movements to characterize Baroque figures and portrayed anatomy in correct proportion, with little distortion, just as the Renaissance did. These are some examples of how Baroque art adapted human form and proportion principles from the Renaissance and the Classical. These Baroque artists tinkered with the mathematics from those earlier eras to create unbalanced compositions with diagonal lines.
The answer is c.
because he/she will feel powerful on the motorcycle.
a. He drew a horizon line to show where the sky and earth appear to meet.