The Treaty of Versailles was not a good peace treaty for the future. First of all it wasnt a real peace treaty , Germany didnt have any choice , Germany was forced to sign it . Germany loses 15% of its territory and its colonial empire . Then the army restrictions where very high as the german army couldnt produce aircraft , tanks and artilery and a limit of 100,000 men in the army was set . The war reparations that germany had to pay were too enormous 132 milliards goldmarks (money used by germany and it would be equal to 47 312,1 tons of gold) But only 20,6 milliards were payed because the economic situation in the Weimar's republic was disastrous .
The treaty made Germany poor and the unemployement rose , this treaty made it possible for hitler to raise to power as he promissed to restore the nation's pride and restore the economy and military might.
Hope i was helpfull.
Answer: d. there was a decrease in the numbers of African slaves purchased due to fear of black population
Explanation: Plantation owners gradually replaced indentured servants with African slaves and became the primary labor forces, creating a cruel institution in the American colonies.
- Deprived women of individual rights
- Reduced the rights of illegitimate children
Answer: executive branch
The executive branch carries out and enforces laws. It includes the president, vice president, the Cabinet, executive departments, independent agencies, and other boards, commissions, and committees.
_____________hello friend___________
here is your answer
Higher birthrate and more diverse immigration: Germans who migrated in search for land; mostly they settled into the "backcountry" due to lack of land; deteriorated Indian relationship
-Religious diversity: although church and state were not separated by modern terms, Jews and Catholics still could not hold offices, but there was a great variety under the Protestant religion;
-During the 18th century, Consumer Revolution: increasing goods like books, tea were enjoyed by colonial households;
hope the answer will help u!!!!!! :-) :-) :-) :-)