The possible conversation order could be the following
4. Los de la foto son mis padres el día de su boda.
The conversation statement sense is about somebody arriving her(his friend's home on the Dia de Los Muertos holiday. Then, the conversation can continue talking about the same subject enhancing the information provided or adding related information about the same subject (parents).
In the 4th answer option, the speaker states that her/his parents are on the picture on their wedding day. Thus the speaker is adding related information about the same subject in the answer option.
The five sentences using interjections are:
- Grité ¡uy!, porque mi primo me asustó.
- Ella estaba contando el chiste y dije ¡bah! porque el resultado era predecible.
- Los asistentes al circo dijimos ¡oh! cuando el trapecista saltó.
- Hacía mucho tiempo que no la veía y le dije ¡ey! al saludarla.
- Me enojé un poco y les hice ¡sh! a las personas que hacían ruido.
<h3>What are
Interjections are words that express spontaneous feelings, regularly written in an exclamatory form, and whose meaning does not depend only on the meaning of the sentence itself, but also on the context in which they have been used.
In the answer, some were used as ¡uy!, ¡bah!, ¡oh!, ¡ey!, ¡sh!, which, in addition to sensations of amazement, fear, among others, could have more joyful or emphatic contexts in other circumstances.
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Yes, I do not skateboard though, but I like watching television too I'm not a big fan of email I only really use it for school.
En español:
Sí, sin embargo, no uso la patineta, pero también me gusta ver la televisión. No soy un gran fanático del correo electrónico. Solo lo uso para la escuela.