Until Spanish-American war that was fought in 1898.
After Civil War United States started rearranging their internal, but also external policy. At the end of 19th Century United States started spreading their power outside their country. During that period in 1898 a war was waged against Spain. Known as the Spanish-American war it was fought around Cuba and Philippines. United States remained a world power.
Im just gonna say Indians
hope that helped
Hyksos in modern Egyptology designates the kings of the Fifteenth Dynasty of Egypt. The seat of power of these kings was the city of Avaris in the Nile delta, from where they ruled over Lower and Middle Egypt up to Cusae
The <span>United States home front during World War I</span> saw a systematic mobilization of the country's entire population and economy to produce the soldiers, food supplies, ammunitions and money necessary to win the war. Although the United States entered the war in April 1917, there had been very little planning, or even recognition of the problems that Great Britain and the other Allies had to solve on their own home fronts. As a result, the level of confusion was high in the first 12 months, before efficiency took control
<span>1. During the early and mid 1800's, Americans went through a period of religious revivalism in which reawakening of religious faith was promoted. TRUE <span>The period when many religious revival in American Christian history took place is called Great Awakening. This widespread interest of religion was caused by very powerful preaching that make listener feel a personal guilt and understand their need of salvation by Christ.
2) </span><span>General Andrew Jackson's presence in Florida angered Spanish leaders who refused to give up territory to the United States. TRUE.
The presence of the general convinced Spanish leaders to negotiate because he was about to to conquer Spanish Florida and drive the Spanish from Texas.
3) </span>After the American Revolution, American writers began to create works that focused solely on European traditions and society. FALSE<span>When the Colonies won independence from Great Britain and become the United States of America, most American writers focused on creating patriotic works.
4) In the years following the American Revolution, songs called spirituals focused on everyday life. FALSE
</span><span>Spiritual songs were focused on the theme of the hardships of slavery. They were written and performed by African Americans who also were Christians. Nowadays, this type of American songs is recognized as a distinct genre of music.
5) George Caleb Bingham's painting depicted scenes from the American frontier. TRUE </span><span>In American history, George Caleb Bingham is proudly known as Artist of Missouri and the American Frontier. Most of his works were concentrated on depicting the most significant events and scenes of social and political life on the American frontier.
6) Following the American Revolution, Americans began to model architecture in the United States after the styles used in ancient Greece and Rome. TRUE</span>This fact is a resulting reference to the beginning of the American Renaissance. America become an independant country, so it was ready to yield to the movement of Renaissance. In America it characterized by renewed national self-confidence and a strong belief that the United States was the heir to Greek democracy and Roman law, and that’s why they started modeling such architecture.
7) The United States wanted sole control over Oregon Country to profit from the fertile farmland and good climate of the region. FALSE The aim of controlling this territory was to retrieve the occupied region from British and French Canadian fur traders in order to be engaged in the maritime fur trade.