33 - They were indifferent about him
34 - Plessy v. Ferguson
35 - They wanted state policies to be like they were before the civil war
36 - Higher taxes on farmers
37 - Because farmers in the South were rich
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark are best known for their expedition from the Mississippi River to the West Coast and back. The expedition, called the Corps of Discovery, was President Thomas Jefferson's visionary project to explore the American West. It began in May of 1804 and ended in September 1806.
Laissez faire- government didn't regulate business nearly enough. Businesses could monopolize and jack up their prices. lack of government involvement is hurting america.
not too sure about business consolidates
big businesses becoming powerful- big business could swamp small businesses and raise their prices really high, but there would be no small businesses left for people to spend their money on a cheaper alternative
It's a word that comes from the two Greek words palalos meaning old it's was hard time because there were no stores to buy food