Despite the opium outlaw, the British continued to bring the drug into China. This resulted in the Opium Wars which lasted from 1839-1842. The possibility of war was threatened by Lin (leader of China) during the early 1830's when he wrote a letter to Queen Victoria. However, Britain did not see this as a threat and ended up easily defeating the Chinese due to their strong naval forces. The Treaty of Nanjing ends the Opium Wars and results in China losing Hong Kong.
Number 1?
if your looking for a fine cut answer then I would go with Number 1 but in reality none of these answers are correct southerners did not welcome the abolishment of slavery in anyway. While legally slavery was no more it was replaced with other systems like share cropping that continued to oppress minorities, as well as segregated bathrooms, schools and water fountains many minorities found it near imposable to find stable job from discriminative white business owners.
General Lucius D. Clay of Marietta a Georgia Native is credited for being the principle Architect of the 1253 miles interstate highway system that performs several functions key to the state i.e., connecting Georgia to the rest of the nation, movement of suburban workers to and from workplaces and links major state cities.
In 1954, Lucius Clay was appointed by President Eisenhower to chair the committee to map out a national interstate highway cementing the city as a transportation hub destiny. He previously had presided over the rebuilding of Germany after the second world war (1941-1945) and managed the Berlin Airlift.
Due to its geographical location, Georgia two of the seven most important north to south transcontinental interstate highways go through Georgia State.