“The Raven” takes place in the chambers at night on a “bleak December” (as stated in the poem) night as the man lapses between reading an old book and falling asleep. He is awakened by a tapping sound that he believes is coming from a visitor outside of his room. He does not immediately answer; he is in a sorrowful mood because of the death of his lover, the “lost Lenore.” He snaps out of these sad thoughts and assures himself that the sound is from a visitor. He addresses his unknown guest and he opens the door yet finds no one there. Peering into the silent darkness, man whispers Lenore’s name to himself. When he returns to his room, however, the tapping sound later continues, but louder. He then believes that the sounds are just from the wind hitting his windows. When he opens the shutter-window, a raven appears. It flies to the top of the chamber door and lands upon a bust of Pallas (Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom). The man is initially amused by the raven’s “grave and stern” looks. He addresses the bird in high praised terms, and asks what it's “lordly” name is. The raven responds with the single word “Nevermore.” The man marvels at the winged intruder’s powers of speech; he hopes to hear more, but the raven only repeats “Nevermore”.
Hopefully this is what you meant :) you can change some wording to higher words than what was used. You can add or take away, I used word count and it has 228 words.
The global issue of “safe water,” and access to that water is the main focus of . There are people who are poor and in the minority groups who suffer from poor water quality and lack of water so yes it is an issue.
Social conflict is the struggle for agency or power in society. Social conflict or group conflict occurs when two or more actors oppose each other in social interaction, reciprocally exerting social power in an effort to attain scarce or incompatible goals and prevent the opponent from attaining them.