Absolute monarchy was good because it was more efficient than some other methods of rule. very organized and just following one ruler. it was bad because what ever the ruler say goes, nobody could have any say against it.
numbing and used to mask problems.
Artikel ini menganalisis perkembangan ekonomi liberal dalam kegiatan perdagangan bebas di Negeri-Negeri Melayu Bersekutu (NNMB) sebelum Perang Dunia Pertama. Pendekatan neomerkantilisme digunakan untuk meneliti peranan kerajaan yang bersifat ‘protective’dalam memusatkan pentadbiran dan penggubalan dasar berkaitan pembangunan perdagangan antarabangsa. Galakan terhadap eksport perdagangan, pembentukaan sistem tarif dan tumpuan pengumpulan surplus merupakan analisis penting neomerkantilisme dalam mengukur sumber kekayaan negara. Perubahan reformasi tarif yang berlaku di Britain secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi perubahan dasar ekonomi di Pejabat Tanah Jajahan menjelang awal abad ke-20. Kerajaan Britain menggunakan ‘imperial preference’sebagai langkah untuk melindungi kepentingan perdagangannya di tanah jajahan. Dasar ekonomi yang bersifat liberal amat diperlukan oleh Britain bagi mengatasi masalah perdagangan bebas yang menerima persaingan yang hebat daripada blok neomerkantilisme, khususnya Amerika Syarikat dan Jerman pada awal abad ke-20
The answer is false because as this conflict revolved around the French throne and not the Spanish. EdwardÃ?s claim of inheriting it through his motherÃ?s bloodline was denied due to Salic Law and the throne was given to Charles, the Count of Valois.
Answer: B. Rain forests
Explanation: Without rainforests, our planet is unable to mitigate excess greenhouse gas emissions, which destabilizes the Earth's climate. Rainforests store and filter excess carbon and other pollutants from the atmosphere and release oxygen through photosynthesis.
In the summary: Rainforests retain and filter excess carbon and other contaminants from the atmosphere, while also releasing oxygen via photosynthesis. Natural air filters, Inforests assist to clean up pollutants and improve air quality.
I hope that helps