This question is actually a matter of opinion. Some would say he shows strength by knowing he has to sacrifice six of his men when he has already lost so many. They say it shows he's a strong character and a determined leader. That he's willing to sacrifice anything for his cause. That's a very strong character trait. Some, however, would say it shows he's weak. Not only did he know it wouldn't be him who died, he also didn't tell his remaining men. He let six of them die. He knew they would and he did not say anything. I guess whatever side you take is up to you.
Ans: It is also talking about how the flash would lay hold on them , but given the fact the flash is not human, as said before, it is a personification. Edwards used it to explain that after death, for most of the congregation, that there was nothing but horror awaiting them bevause they had angeried God.
They describes the third person.
Odysseus and Eurymachus are both known for being clever with words.