it is the first country to run on zreo cardon emissions
it because the world first country to become green
Ejemplos de fuerzas
En la naturaleza, las fuerzas fundamentales son la gravedad, la fuerza nuclear débil, la fuerza nuclear fuerte, la fuerza electromagnética y la fuerza residual. La fuerza fuerte es lo que mantiene unidos protones y neutrones en el núcleo atómico.
Researchers have developed a program that measures how many planet earths are needed to provide the resources humanity is using. this ecological yardstick is called ecological footprint
The Global Footprint Network promotes the ecological footprint as a way to assess how much nature is needed to sustain a given number of people or an economy. Through an ecological accounting system, it monitors this demand. The accounts compare the biologically productive areas used by people for consumption to the biologically productive areas available in a region or around the world (biocapacity, the productive area that can regenerate what people demand from nature).
Learn more about Ecology here:
it is the only environment capible of sustaining life.
it has oxygen, water, and its the right temp. those are all needed for life, with them we would not survive.